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lundi 8 juin 2015

The Atlas Mountains

The Atlas Mountains is a mountain range which stretches across northwestern Africa extending about 2,500 km (1,600 mi) through Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. The highest peak is Jebel Toubkal, with an elevation of 4,167 metres (13,671 ft) in southwestern Morocco. The Atlas ranges separate the Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines from the Sahara Desert. The population of the Atlas Mountains is mainly Berbers. The terms for 'mountain' in some Berber languages ​​are adrar and adras, believed to be cognate with the toponym.
The mountains are home to a number of plant and animal species unique in Africa, often more like those of Europe; many of them are endangered and some have already gone extinct. Examples include the Barbary macaque, the Atlas bear (Africa's only species of bear; now extinct), the Barbary leopard, the Barbary stag, Barbary sheep, the Barbary lion (extinct in the wild), the Atlas Mountain badger, the North African elephant (extinct), the North African aurochs (extinct), Cuvier's gazelle, the Northern bald ibis, dippers, the Atlas mountain viper, the Atlas cedar, the European black pine, and the Algerian oak

Almajoral gardens located in the city of Marrakech

Almajoral gardens located in the city of Marrakech in Cleese. And called Almajoral proportion to its builder French painter Jacques Majorelle, which began in 1924 established name.

In 1937 the oldest French painter on the dye garden buildings colored bright blue, which surprised the city red where it was the launch of Blue Almajoral name at this level of blue in the French rate for this park residents ... later exposed French painter traffic accident transfer the effect of France where he died there in 1967.

1980 The World fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, the French writer Pierre Berger bought the garden where they opened part of it to the public.

Now the place has become one of the most important tourist landmarks city of Marrakech where they were surrounded by the garden transform the building into a museum of Islamic Art and the park contains the rare plants and flowers coming from five continents, especially the various types of cactuses.

Dates of visits and entry prices

Ouzoud Waterfalls

Ouzoud Waterfalls
The waterfalls of Ouzoud, which received the Certificate of Excellence 2014 by the international travel website, TripAdvisor, are one of the most popular sights in Morocco, providing uplifting sightseeing.
The falls of Ouzoud, which is a Berber name meaning “the process of grinding grains,” lie in a beautiful and friendly small village. The falls provide visitors with stunning views and strenuous, rewarding experiences for hikers

Paradise Valley waterfalls

On the road of Imouzzer Ida Outanane, 56 km from Agadir, there is a small rest stop. This is where the adventure to Paradise Valley begins. Mountains, forests, and rivers surround

lundi 18 mai 2015

On the other hand, there is a tremendous opportunity because all of these tourists who went to Egypt and Tunisia can come to Morocco, the only stable country in the region. How will you capitalize on this opportunity?

You are right. You are on the field and you see that this is a stable country. We had some
protests, but they were peaceful. We are used to having them every day. Protesting in Morocco is allowed and we have in average aroun

dimanche 17 mai 2015


Casablanca (en arabe : الدار البيضاء, ad-Dar al-Baïdaa ; ou Casa, diminutif de Casablanca qui veut dire "maison blanche" en espagnol, en amazigh : Anfa3 ou Tigemmi Toumlilt), est une ville et commune du Maroc, chef-lieu de la région de Casablanca-Settat et capitale économique du pays, située sur la côte atlantique, à environ 80 km au sud de Rabat, la capitale administrative
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